Repost it here...
In solidarity with the victims of freedom of the pen in the world
And for everyone who is exposed - because of his free conscience -
To conquer
And to my friends who fall daily into the well of oppression
And attempts to attack them, their pens and their dreams...
I extend a renewed invitation to everyone every day...
Let us strive together to defend human rights and freedom in every corner of the earth
Despite the pressure, persecution, and despair of a real change that
will remove the burden of time...
I apologize, you will not be able to use my usual wit in my writing
From embellishing bitter truths or belittling the bitterness of oppression!!!...
A few days ago, a colleague with whom we struggled together
in the field of media journalism contacted me
He works for a television station that broadcasts from a foreign country
He asked me to be his guest on the phone so we could discuss it
In the phenomenon of youth strike...
!!! And the features and characteristics of youth’s political practice in our time.
I said to him: My friend, I have a stated opinion on this phenomenon
I previously wrote a long paper under this same title!!!
And you are calling me because you know!!!
That's why I apologize for participating
As you know, I entered into a media freeze of my own free will for some time
- It is the winter of democracy, as you know
Avian influenza has a difficult impact -
He did not agree, but rather blamed me
and imagined that I was complacent and decided to submit...
It was a painful call to me from a colleague who knows me well
And his stab is a window into my conscience.
He accused me of no longer being the activist he used to be.
But in this he was right
And for the sake of my struggle colleague
who could not understand my position
For the sake of everyone who wants to know what
the owners of honorable pens go through
I write now and invite you to share with me some simple facts.
We are living in the most prosperous era of silencing freedom of speech...
and this - praise be to the political regimes -
is the result of painstaking work over the years.
I will discuss in a quick overview what happened to the press and journalists in particular...during those golden ages!!!
My article will not be to condemn the era or talk about it
for what it has or is bad, but to mention a quick glance
that interests me. As you know,
I did not live the era of Nasser and Sadat as a witness,
but rather I studied their data and wrote as an analyst and critic
- and this article is not to present this analysis -...
* Ages of gagging mouths...!!! This giant project began...
in the Nasserist era...
When the revolution broke out,
everyone who did not agree with the decisions of the men
of the revolution was considered hostile to it
Rather, he is a traitor who does not love his country and must be punished.
How could it not be, when the leader is the leader of the Arabs
and the owner of a national and national project and has the support
and appreciation of all Arabs and Egyptians?
Based on the premise that we are one Arab nation, we join together to cooperate and reform times of colonialism that have harmed every part of the one nation.
Therefore, everyone who has thoughts about the revolution,
whether negatives, grievances, suggestions or problems,
can search for solutions to them...
Such as - the struggle for power, the confusion of the men of the revolution
in many situations, the competition to obtain personal benefits, and the abuse of specific people due to a personal history between the avenger of the men of the revolution who became the holder of power and the avenger against him who became powerless -
and other real problems...
He gagged his pen and wrote the opposite of the truth in order
to guarantee his life and position, then he turned against Abdel Nasser after his death.
* Then came another era of gagging mouths,
and this era is the least that should be said about it when dealing with it.
It is an era that can be talked about without embarrassment...!!!
It is an era of a number of corrupt legal articles,
including Article 206, which expressed this era...
It stipulates that the press is an independent popular authority
that exercises its mission in the manner set forth in the constitution and the law, followed by Article 211, which stipulates that press affairs shall be governed by a Supreme Council. The law shall determine the method of its formation, its powers, and its relations with state authorities. The Press Authority Law was also issued, restricting suspicious items and with a pre-equipped Supreme Council for the Press. It is specifically prepared to silence more mouths and imprison every honest pen that confronts corruption...
Of course, the development, speed of circulation of facts, and the enormous technologies available now were not available in those eras
There were many assassinations, kidnappings, imprisonment, detention, and abuse of opponents
Political work was generally codified into four muzzled parties. The head of the most important party in that era was guarded against it, and the elite journalists of this era were muzzled...
Of course, many sacrifices occurred throughout these times until the press reached us to taste their bitterness.!!!
* Here I will speak as an observer of the authorities and journalists in this era...
and as a journalist who dealt with the data of this era... - Oh my fear -
This is a special, distinct era full of contradictions, while the quality of some new journalists differed
In terms of curricula and the development of their technical capabilities to face the tremendous development in modern technologies
There was a decline in personal culture, and the journalist turned to a set of technical skills that were almost devoid of literary, political, and life culture in general
So journalistic pens became similar, news and newspapers became similar, and everyone became revolving in the orbit of the Internet...and satellite channels revolved in everyone’s orbit.
The source of creativity and journalistic excellence that we dreamed of has dried up!!!
As for the classification of journalists...
* Journalists have two classifications:
Journalists are members of the Journalists Syndicate and are appointed to national newspapers or newspapers recognized by the Journalists Syndicate
Independent newspapers are recognized on the basis of their affiliation to the Supreme Council of the Press and the material capacity of the newspapers in terms of their ability to publish daily or weekly with all regularity and the strength and influence of their owners, the extent of their cooperation, their editor-in-chief, the appointment of their editors, and of course providing insurance for them. The journalist joins the union as a member under training, then a working member, and this category is currency.
A lucky rare class. They have all the capabilities and have all the rights. They write their articles about the suffering of the poor
From Villa Marina, from Europe or from private planes
For their financiers who drink the blood of the people. !!!
The second category is a category
* Journalists who are not subject to the union’s umbrella
They are a large number of journalism enthusiasts who
work in national and independent newspapers and newspapers of all types
who are not satisfied with them...
They work for it for years of their lives, waiting for the union to recognize them, and
They died while waiting for this recognition
This group lives and spends on journalism from their empty pockets,
and they may not have anything to support themselves
with or the price of public transportation.
But many of them breathe journalism and seek change and correction.
To be honest, I must mention that my country does not recognize journalists
who are not under the guise of the union. In all countries of the world,
the journalist’s pen and idea are his ambassador for correction and change,
and it is sufficient for him to join a union or publish his writings.
I also find my conscience urging me to mention that a recommendation
from a political or economic figure, or a journalist’s subordination
to his political masters, is the only way to be appointed.
That is, it is the only way to be appointed to national newspapers. Other than this, the appointment of creative people is neglected
- regardless of his creative pen, his distinguished thought, and the doctoral degree that he may hold, along with several other studies and certificates in all media fields - and upon appointment, the journalist can obtain membership in the union. !!!
- Have mercy, O God -
That is why the press has reached this deteriorating situation,
but I will not be able to move on from this point before I convey to you this good news that there are some journalists who, through struggle and bitter struggle,
can obtain membership in the Journalists Syndicate after many years
of having their cases discussed through the courts,
and these journalists are always among the elite.
Pens and they are persecuted for every letter they write.
* Now I find myself at the most important stage
The stage of death or death that I have become accustomed to
- my life belongs to God, and thanks be to God -
I find my conscience urging me to continue my words and mention the following...
Classifying journalists according to their orientations...
There are a number of orientations that prevail in the journalistic community
He is part of society, and although it is supposed to be based on talent, honesty,
and change, it is still...
Unfortunately, he is part of the larger society with all its pollution and corruption!!!
The journalist has a classification according to his loyalty,
and every journalist has his price in the slave market
- oh news - I mean in the buying and selling market - oh day -
Rather, I mean in the market for selling accounts - what is this,
Maro - I found it in the journalists’ market...!!!
But before delving into this classification, for the sake of journalistic integrity,
I must say that...
* There is an honorable journalist who is not for sale.
He endures a lot of hardship in order to keep his pen clean of corruption,
but he is like loyal vinegar on the verge of extinction.
* There are those who write to flatter the government,
to praise its great deeds, to slander its opponents, and to form alliances
with friendly countries and be rewarded.
Rising the ladder of journalistic, media, commercial and financial authority.
* There is a journalist who writes to appear oppositional so
that we can have an oppositional press, and he actually very much agrees,
but this is a turn in the farcical play of journalism.
So people are deceived by him and resort to him,
while he is in - the appearance of mercy, but inside him is painful torment,
as they say in my country
- so one disaster after another occurs when a young journalist clings to him,
wanting his pen to be a sword of truth,
and this is the end of the journalist who was deceived
by this fighter whom he thought was his ideal in the struggle,
and he is the reason for his demise. . !!!
* There is a journalist - dressed as a potato in every shape and color for any reason -
who is salable and has no cause who writes to whomever will pay.
Yesterday’s friends are today’s enemies.
In exchange for the cash amount.
* There is a journalist who has no right or obligation to write,
and his reward lies with God, who dictates to him.
He writes without examination or questioning,
and this is very successful in the journalism market.
He is a journalist who does not scrutinize and has no issue.
His pen is without features. He is happy with news or a published topic.
He brags about his image in his village and feels his importance among the poor.
He is satisfied with the monthly salary and an apartment from the union.
He lives in the shadows and has no career ambitions.
There is no danger from him, so they leave him to earn a living. !!!
* There is a journalist who takes a role in moderation,
and when he writes, he says moderation and moderation.
Every regime has its virtues,
and this is a good role carried out by those who can eat and give thanks,
and whose pen also serves the authority,
but without an announcement,
it is the pen of an authoritarian regime in disguise.
* There is a journalist who deals with religious affairs,
they leave him to express what is on his mind until
he approaches the permissible line,
and here the usual daily confrontations begin.
* There is a dangerous journalist who asks a lot of questions and
loves confrontations and solving problems??? !!!
He lives under the illusion that change is inevitably coming,
and that it may be the first stormy blow of the winds of change,
and this journalist is a time bomb that will eventually blow himself up...
All that changes is his life.
They treat him with all intelligence and make him feel that he is not alone in this anger,
but everyone is angry and that the time for the volcano has come.
When it ignites and burns, it inflates like a balloon full of hot anger,
and then they make a small hole in this balloon and it disappears
into the depths of the unknown, its fate unknown.
Or he is marginalized, his pen is besieged, his life is hacked,
his calls are eavesdropped on, and more recently, in our current era,
his mail is hacked and stolen, and his computer is broken into and destroyed...!!!
It's almost four o'clock in the morning and I'm not used to staying up late,
so I'll be satisfied with this amount of disclosure, as it might be my last chance before...and...and...!!!???
And God exists.
Cleopatra, lover of the nation
Cleopatra is a lover of the homeland.
Shahrazad of poetry, novels and stories
Cleopatra, beloved of the nation
The orange silver moon
Goddess of the four letters
Goddess of the alphabet and insight
Goddess of the twenty-fifth hour
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