As soon as we get out of the debate over the legitimacy or illegitimacy of celebrating Valentine's Day
And the competition of fatwa makers ends ...
In issuing fatwas prohibiting its celebration
And explaining its dangers to the Arab nation ... !!!
Until the blessed days of our Lady's celebrations and the crown of our heads, women, arrive
- Never mind, life has seasons -
Then pens compete in describing the gains that women have obtained ... !!!
And we are inundated with women's conferences and calls to give lectures on women's rights
And their empowerment and the democracy that they enjoy ... !!!
And there is no prohibition from interviews to polish and astrology the paid telephone calls of men to defend women
To demonstrate the justice of the cause ... !!!
- The strange thing is that the cause is just and does not need proof -
But where is the woman who is the owner of the birth??? Of course, that poor lady is absent from this media show ... !!!
Ahhhh, this is a birth and its owner is absent now ... !!! Why is there any good where is she???
The chaste and honorable woman, the crowned and celebrated woman from the whole world...!!!
You can find her in...
• A room where she wakes up at five in the morning, prepares breakfast, wears the only dress in the closet, takes the children to school, rides the only bus that is two hours late, then men harass her and she arrives late to work to hear words that are not appropriate for her humanity...!!!
But she does not speak for fear of losing her livelihood, as the husband ran away and left our grandmother, the woman, and her children in the wretched rented apartment...
And the owner of the building coveted getting both of them - the apartment and the woman -
And on the same night the husband ran away, he came to give her the choice between living with him in sin or being thrown out, and when she chose to be thrown out, he throws her out into the street...
After cursing her and accusing her with curses and accusations and adding punches to them...!!!
The woman and her children live in her parents’ house, which was forcibly occupied by her sister and her husband. The sister’s husband covets her and tightens the noose around her... She searches for a room under the stairwell, but is not safe from the greed of this one and that one, nor from the tongues of the inhuman scorpions of the neighbors...!!!
You can also find her in...
• A camp where she lost her father, mother and brothers
And lives on crumbs of international aid...
- While the same international aid was deposited in special bank accounts - and I wonder...!!!
She finds no choice but to marry the first person who proposes to her, and she discovers that he is a polygamist and has hundreds of wives and children...
And he knows nothing about them, so she runs away from him to find more wolves, so she goes down to the nightclubs to dance with a popular band...
And men pass her around while she clings to the illusion that any of them will lead her to stardom so that she will have power and money, and she may one day reach the dream of her destruction...
After she gets involved in various types of trade, from body to drugs to weapons to cleaning money, and appears on our screens preaching to us about repentance and the benefits of fasting...!!!
And the end is a bullet that costs less than a madam's cigarette.
It is possible to find a woman in ...
• The university studies hard and diligently and obtains the highest academic degrees to lecture and work in the field she chose
And meets the knight of her dreams who she imagines is her only love and the secret of his hopes in life, so her beautiful dream dissipates when she discovers that the man who defends her rights ...
And fills the sky with the songs of equality - and reaps the highest medals - ...!!!
He only wants her as his lover!!! But when he wants to get married, he goes to his cousin in the village, as he does not marry stars ...!!!
The wife in his understanding is for cooking and taking care of the children, while the struggling sister is a lover of mood, and when the free woman rejects those compromises ...
And other offers of those with lusts, she is considered to be a man in the eyes of men, and despite this, she is not safe from rumors.
So I stand in the position of contemplating Western studies that say that men marry women with mature thinking, intelligence and social presence
And I compare our men who prefer Zainab so that each of them remains Mr. Sayyid in his home after he turned into a rabbit in his homeland.
Oh my God... These are not all the places where we can find the owner of the annual birth, nor all the stories...
As many women as there are on earth, there are stories that may agree in their broad outlines, but they will not be identical in their essence and endings
So I do not know where to start with women's stories, nor how to mention a glimpse of some women's tragedies...!!!
But let us have a fixed principle from which we start, which is honesty with ourselves and with everyone, transparency, and leaving self-deception with illusions of empowerment and women's rights...
And other names, because this trade has become a commodity and only slogan owners adhere to it, so where are we from implementing a single word of all these basics.
Believe me, I laughed until my tears defeated the sound of my laughter when I received calls asking me to participate in women's seminars despite the many times I apologized...!!!
I was surprised by those who asked me to write about women's political empowerment and the terrible rights they obtained in light of activating their role...and changing their political and leadership status...
And I used to respond to those who spoke to me in frank terms and without hiding my surprise, but...the calls are still chasing me...!!!
Oh my God, what change are they talking about...!!!
What has changed in the status of women...Ah yes, finally I know...!!!
* She turned from a nine-year-old girl to the wife of an elderly sheikh in exchange for a handful of dollars...!!!
* She turned from poor to poorer and from housework to morning and evening work and work that she carries with her home to feed the children
But she neglected her children and her dreams turned into nightmares that haunt her and a constant fear of a future overshadowed by the possibility of the failure of her message...!!!
* She turned from a free, pure and chaste human being to a source of lust and an arouser of instincts and she must be assaulted, beaten, her image distorted or wrapped in the black robe of death.
* She turned from an outstanding student to a flight attendant or a fashion model to pieces wrapped in an old carpet in the trash can ...!!!
* She turned from a simple village housewife or a middle-class urban woman to a widow, a tomboy, a divorcee, a spinster or a professional prostitute
who practices sin with or without a customary paper to spend on her children and buy them their needs.
But what political rights do they want me to talk about and how do I explain them to my mind so that I can explain them to the minds of the recipients ...!!!
Democratic gains, empowerment and equality ...!!!
Wow ..
. In light of the selling of the people's property, the single party, the rigged elections, unemployment, the killing of creativity, the universities of the rich, the suppression of human dignity, the selling of conscience to whoever provides piasters, and the immunity that has opened the doors wide to trade in the people, their organs, their livelihood, and their homeland!!! - What should I say about the gains or what??? -
Throughout my life, I was amazed and I am amazed to this day when I find them saying that religion has made society oppress women, diminished their freedom, and made them lose confidence in themselves and feel that they are deficient in mind and religion...!!!
What religion are they talking about and how do they stick to God the falsehood of hearts, minds, and corrupt consciences?
God created woman free, equal to man in rights and duties, and a partner, helper, and companion to him on the path of life. He is the head of the house and she is the crown of the house...
So how did you turn woman into an enslaved slave who needs freedom, equality, and empowerment???
Who gave you the right to make her in a lower human status than men? Will God condemn men only for sins and leave women because they are enslaved???
God forbid that I say this about God.
Finally, before the birth of our Lady of the Woman ends, I would like to say that
90% of humans are enslaved, powerless, and weak men are bullies to women and take out their oppression on them
But in fact, the hand of injustice has reached everyone...
So men and women must unite to obtain their rights and freedom from the masters so that they can complete the journey of life...
With all its sighs, so be gentle with us, men, from slavery. Cleopatra, lover of the homeland.
The universal poet, Prof. Mariam Al Sayegh, the goddess of mythology,
the goddess of poetry,
the goddess of magic,
the seductress in the eyes of the beholders:
Representative of women’s rights activist,
Be well and in love.
Cleopatra is beloved by the nation.
Shahrazad of poetry, novels and stories
Cleopatra, beloved of the nation
The orange silver moon
Goddess of the four letters
Goddess of the alphabet and insight
Goddess of the twenty-fifth hour
A diamond of Light mountain
لا يوجد تعليقات.