In fact, this article is a natural result of the painful conditions
we are going through these days ... !!! ???
In addition to my difficult situation ...
Every now and then someone talks to me and says:
Why are you making the world so complicated and messing it up like this??? !!!
Or the one who says: Are you living on the basis that you are a loser
and that you have a long life ahead of you??? !!!
- People are in a hurry for me to die or what??? Ha ha ha -
And the one who advises me that life is running and your generation is taking its place, and where are you in your generation???
And you are holding yourself back away from advertising
And your time and life are in the service of humanity without making a profit
As a human rights defender, women's representative, and head of the Creativity Development Foundation
- Oh my God, where is my generation in the first place?
Where are the children in the whole existence!!! -
I listen to what is being said and keep quiet and trick myself so that my tongue that won't shut up doesn't get loose
- Have you seen the tenderness and morals...
Anyway, may God bury them and make them shut up!!! ... -
Let's finish the two words now... ??? !!!
Someone who meets me says:
What level of linguistic decadence has your language reached,
you expert or media person??? !!! ...
I respond with a smile:
What is the grammatical and organized speech
and research and studies that he doesn't like... !!!
I said let's leave my country and the country eats as well, uncle Hajj ...
and let people understand and focus with us...
Many limits... !!! They don't like my situation... !!! They are really good...
They advise me to be flexible and flexible so that I can live in the time of pudding... !!!
Oh poor thing, is my condition really that backward??? !!!
No no, I don't have to keep quiet, and for the sake of those great attempts being made to reconfigure me... !!!
I will have my say and I will not waste the honor of their attempts...
So let's focus together a little on these two sweet words because they contain the essence of my very special experience in the time of Muhallebi - haha -
Muhallebi is a dessert made by mixing starch, sugar, milk,
Qamar al-Din sweets, coconut and raisins
How do you attain the blessing of rejection like me???!!!
Simply be an outcast.. There are many steps that you must literally implement ...
* First ...
Do not think that obtaining the blessing of ostracism is an easy thing to reach
But it is a gift that you get after many and more sacrifices and serious steps
So do not underestimate the following steps
And strive as much as you can and the Lord is with you,
helping you and giving you the blessing of ostracism
In this worldly life to reap the good reward in the afterlife
So work for your afterlife from today and wait for the good reward.
* Be an outcast, do not be a person of two opinions, but say
"Yes" means "Yes"
And "No" means "No"
And "Yes and No" is yours alone without anyone influencing you or personal interests
And is not subject to change or negotiation or buying and selling under any name or content.
* Be polite, gentle and courteous within limits, but without flattery,
hypocritical words and pretense ...
And without hidden desires to obtain benefits, whether overt or covert, from your words and dealings.
* Do not go to a business meeting in closed rooms secured against eavesdropping,
filming, speech and breathing
And do not go to a dinner in honor of "so-and-so" or a barbecue party for so-and-so -
because it is a bribe and the first drop of rain -
And do not go to a luxurious hotel that does not bear the expenses of your evening
and those with you ... - Why stay??? - If necessary
You may need to throw in his face enough to pay your bill in addition to a generous tip
And the gas fare for a car or taxi to get him back before his limbs are crushed.
* Do not strive... nor participate in striving... nor stand in the way of...
A position with high moral costs that your principles will not agree to
For someone like you does not sell his country, his religion,
or his honor, nor does he extend his hand to a polluted morsel of bread
So whoever seeks the blessing of ostracism...
All he dreams of is a life of peace, tranquility, and love, to live happily and contribute to the happiness of those around him...
He may establish, as I did, a charitable work from his own money, that is, the money of my future and my family
To shelter the destitute and provide them with better life opportunities
without humiliation
To think about supporting the weak and helping a poor destitute person
who thought I was able to help him
To get an apartment to get married in
But... About the positions that you deserve
- and that are waiting for you to occupy if you sell yourself -... forget and rest.
* Be an outcast, dare and suffer for the sake of a minor girl who was kidnapped
from the bosom of her family
And was imprisoned, humiliated, and her family oppressed!!!
And he suffered from every act that is contrary to religion and morals and changing the data of
"Michel and his sister Angel" ...
"Mohammed and Zainab" while they are at home praying
and they do not know anything???!!!
Condemn and denounce the burning of houses, the usurpation of lands and properties, the killing of people
and the theft of animals and the starvation of the people!!!
And demand fair trials before judges who know God???
And if your apartment is robbed, go with all determination to report the thug thief
And if the thief tries to kill you ...
Go to the police station again with your bleeding wounds and do not fear their threat to send you to State Security
And do not be satisfied with a reconciliation agreement that allows the aggressor thief to control your life
And restrict your movement in your property
And if he does not find all this, cry out to God, for He alone is merciful to us and is able to have mercy on us.
* He called for conscious liberal secularism
He denounced Article 2 of the Egyptian constitution and demanded its abolition
And the abolition of all forms of discrimination against Egypt's Copts, Baha'is, Shiites and women...
who still live in their black tents and their eyes peek out from behind the black chiffon
And covers their hands with the finely crafted satin gloves
And despite this, they wear men's socks...
But... despite all these societal restrictions
She is still considered shameful in the eyes of men and a spoiler of prayer and has a bad reputation and is viewed as a prostitute.
* Let him be an outcast who demanded the construction of churches and opened their doors to all worshippers and called out to the whole universe ...
"The door of our church will not be closed, for we are going to pray to the One Living God who is capable of everything
Because our upright church maintains peace and love in Egypt
And is a source of blessing for Egypt and its people throughout the ages
- So let us be amazed at a time when places of immorality and corruption, cabarets and nightclubs have spread -
And the fires of sedition have ignited ...
For the existence of a small house that holds meetings for prayer and asking for mercy???!!! .
Oh my God, mercy from the abundance of sorrows ...
So whoever wants to join the ranks of social exclusion ... Let him be pleased with what pleases God and know that God who sees us in secret is the one who knows the secrets of our hearts ...
And knows how to compensate us for the lean years of thirst, hunger, illness, sadness, pain and crying.
Before I conclude my article, I would like to address short messages ...
* A word of truth that I must address to Caritas Egypt - and all those in charge of it -
You are a giving mother who has never known Except for love and complete giving... I learned from you to love, support and serve all people regardless of their religions, colors and peoples. I will never forget a day no matter how long or short life is.
My participation with groups of boys and girls from some schools in Egypt
To distribute food and essential supplies to earthquake victims ...
I will never forget the tears of the victims and the words of thanks and farewell kisses
And the looks of gratitude that they overwhelmed us with
And we are just small distributors
You have planted in each of us the desire to help and love everyone.
Thank you very much Caritas Egypt
You are the ones who raised generations that love social support and love serving everyone and developing communities.
* Dr. Marwa
I was very saddened by your death Your photo
It made me feel like I lost a friend who lived with me for years ...
To Marwa's family,
God be with you and console you, God is eternal
And Marwa left you a man who is now your son and a sweet memory from her short life.
* To those who love to ignite sedition and their corrupt supporters
Remember all of you that fires are easy to ignite but controlling their containment is very difficult ...
So next time it may destroy everything and reap the souls of those who set them on fire.
* Dr. Sayed Al-Qimni,
don't be afraid of jealousy, lawsuits, and hatred...
The appreciation is not late!!!
But you are the one who received awards from the educated people a long time ago... Cleopatra, the lover of the homeland.
Be well and in love.
Cleopatra is beloved by the nation.
Shahrazad of poetry, novels and stories
Cleopatra, beloved of the nation
The orange silver moon
Goddess of the four letters
Goddess of the alphabet and insight
Goddess of the twenty-fifth hour
A diamond of Light mountain
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