Do we live in an enslaved country?
Do you have an answer?
sure about it
of course not
All answers are preliminary
But the face of freedom is the mirror
Look through mirrors
Freedom can begin
With long nights of silent conversations
Have you mastered eye contact like me?
Did you excel at body language like I did?
of course not
I spend my life training the elite
To practice the arts of silence
But silence
He turned to a whisper
Whispers turn into grunts
With a faint halo of light
The pink dawn is rising
It illuminates the darkness of the temples
Be a beacon of hope
Amidst the darkness of deprivation
Come on, my friend
We go up the hill
I carry with me the torches of freedom
And come on
We go up the hill
I carry with me the torches of freedom
And come on
Political upheaval is coming
Promising democracy has arrived
No, a sectarian civil war will not break out
Free people do not commit atrocities,
Free people don't know
Acts of extremism
In a few months
effective governance,
Forcing free people under the pressure of conflict
And support divisions
Hard power prevailed
The situation reverted to authoritarian rule
It happened
Disobedience has its doors closed
It's time to settle the score
The one-party equation
To politically harass active activists
What do these ignorant people think?
Do they think?
It is easy to abuse them
Are there minutes for the symbols of their homeland that we do not know?
No, you ignorant people
Easier moral crime
Grab better ownership
Extinguish their lights faster
Shaming them is stronger
Breaking their resolve through displacement
Hunger and marginalization
Make them criminal criminals
The effective equation for killing a nation
It may be deeper
Spreading nonsense
Banality and defeat of culture
Spreading rumors and settling scores
And restrict every actor
To build the citadels of freedom
No nation will rise
Its rule is tyrannical
done successfully
Filter each actor
In the renaissance and freedom of a homeland
Cleopatra, lover of the nation
Cleopatra is a lover of the homeland.
Shahrazad of poetry, novels and stories
Cleopatra, beloved of the nation
The orange silver moon
Goddess of the four letters
Goddess of the alphabet and insight
Goddess of the twenty-fifth hour
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