Some interpreted the statements of US President Obama
in his recent speech called the Spring of the Arab Revolutions...
as imminent political suicide!!!
This is due to the serious repercussions of his statements about Israel’s withdrawal to
the 1967 borders if it desires peace with the Middle East.
This is despite the fact that he did not miss his commitment to protecting
the security of Israel and stressing that the Hamas movement is a
terrorist organization that must be fought
No alliance or agreement with it to ensure the progress of the peace process!!!
Some used Netanyahu's response during his meeting with the American President
- his refusal to withdraw to the 1967 borders, which constitutes a real danger to Israel's security.
There have been major demographic changes since 1967.
He refused to sit or negotiate with a government that included Hamas,
the terrorist movement that supported the policies of Osama bin Laden
and which calls for the removal of the State of Israel.
And his refusal to return refugees to the areas of 1948 because there were Jewish
refugees who were expelled by the Arab countries.
They are also refugees whose problem must be solved.
Such as the problem of the Palestinian refugees and the burden of
the Arab countries to absorb the Palestinian refugees -!!!
They used it as proof of the severe disagreement between
the American President and Netanyahu!!!
In order to understand the course of events, we must remember
Israel's strategic importance to the United States as
the protector of American interests in the region
And a permanent ally that provided great services to it over the past decades
, Israel succeeded in destroying the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981.
Which paved the way for the United States to attack Iraq in 1991
without fear of any Iraqi nuclear response.
It also succeeded in aborting the Syrian nuclear project in 2007.
Therefore, one day Israel will never become a heavy burden for the United States to bear
Nor will it one day take a decision that might affect the security and safety
of the active partner, Israel.
Simply put, why did some consider President Obama’s statements
to be imminent political suicide???
First: Because it revived a dream that had been neglected through
years of fruitless negotiations that did not want anything new...
To answer this fear, let us analyze the matter simply
Obama's statement to return to the 1967 borders carries no danger at all for Israel!!!
On the contrary, it is in its interest, as
the American President has linked security for Israel to Palestinian sovereignty over its lands.
This link shows the extent of America’s concern for Israel’s security.
In the event of agreeing to the conditional agreement on a state in exchange for security...
The Fatah and Hamas movements are committed to disarmament
and non-use of violence, which allows the establishment of two states and gives international recognition to a fully sovereign Israeli state.
But skeptics return in solidarity with Netanyahu, saying that a state
Without the Jordan River Valley and the new expansionist settlements
It is not safe and indefensible
But it will be a recognized state living in peace with a demilitarized state
that will be able to protect its territory
From the above, it is clear to us that
the American President’s statement to return to the 1967 borders is just a statement that will be thrown away by the wind. Hamas and Fatah will not accept
the State of Palestine becoming demilitarized.
It will not be satisfied with abandoning the demand for the return of refugees,
and new years will be lost in negotiations
Secondly, some believe that the American President,
with his statements, is sacrificing many votes out of
a total of 78 percent of the Israeli votes.
Which supported him in 2008
When Netanyahu speaks to the US Congress next week,
his speech will certainly affect the wealthy Israelis
who sponsor Barack Obama’s election campaign.
Netanyahu's complaint about fear for Israel's security will also appeal
to the powerful pro-Israel lobby - AIPAC -
And the Republicans who desperately wanted to reach the presidency
and who took advantage of Obama's statements and declared that the American president
With such statements, Israel has been crushed under the wheels of the bus
But despite all these doubts and statements, I believe that
Netanyahu is too smart to speak about the US President’s statements in Congress.
Especially after the changes taking place around him in the Middle East,
his main focus will be on choosing options
Which helps Israel's security and stability among its neighbors
and the pursuit of tactics
In the short term, Israel appears as a state that desires peace.
Therefore, for those who fear for US-Israeli relations due to tension,
they should remember that the bubbles
that appear on the surface of the water are not necessarily evidence
of the presence of fish.
What is emerging on the surface now is apparently a difference of opinion,
but inside it is a disagreement between friends to achieve common interests.
Scheherazade poetry, novels and stories
Cleopatra is a lover of the homeland
Cleopatra, beloved of the nation
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