A new reader who has been emailing me.
His first email was bombarded with foul-smelling insults...
So I had nothing to discuss with him!!!
So I contented myself with sending a message of thanks for his generous message
and prayed for him that God would bless his new year and enlighten his eyes...
But he rejected my prayers for him...!!! Unfortunately !!!
And send me a letter.
I am an atheist, lady...!!!
- Okay, you can worship iron, but don't hit me with it-
As usual, I was not surprised, as I have met many who are proud of their atheism,
even though they do not embrace atheism in the first place,
have not dealt with it, and have not tasted the bitterness of its doubts...
And wasting the most wonderful years of their short lives away from God...!!!
Rather, I found them wounded only by God!!! ...
When God does not fulfill their requests in their own way
and on time...!!!
They become despairing, sad, and in denial
They turn away and hate themselves, by God...
Who did not provide for them from their point of view,
but rather created them to torture them...!!!
So...you have the right,
Basil, to say that you are an atheist
And I cannot object. Painful messages will follow me all the time -...
But do you think that atheism is so easy!!!...
* Only if God does not fulfill what you ask for,
then you abandon prayer,
abandon the rituals of your religion,
and move away from God...
And about the people who wish you well!!!
But if you leave God, He will never leave you.
Or you just speak out and say that religions are a big lie
and created by humans...!!!*
...No way, Basil...
No, the issue is bigger than that.
You should have explained to me.
* Do you deny the existence of God???
Or do you not believe in the existence of God
and search for Him...???
Some people believe in God,
and some people search for God to believe in Him...
... Classify yourself, what type are you???
* Are you one of those who believe in matter and are fascinated by science
... Did the universe, from your point of view,
exist only as a result of the occurrence of the Big Bang...!!!
Is dynamic life what moves bodies?
When you die, the gas stored in your body will run out???
- Come and order gas from Egypt,
- Come and order gas from Egypt, which sells it for free
And you are the first to know and hate it!!!
You know I don't mean any benefit from my question...
But just to know while I am praying for you,
what should I ask God for???
I tell you, I will pray
God knows your problem and your request,
The Lord is the only one who is able
to save you and bring you out of your sadness
.But I would like to say two small words on this topic,
quite simply...
computer, in front of which you sit, surf the Internet,
and send your bomb messages, it condemns you...!!!
Do you know that he looks at you with fear and suspicion...!!!
Rather, he shouts to tell you how you can deny the existence of God,
the Creator of all...
Look at me...
Wasn't I made by humans?
Did I exist by chance or as a result of explosions in all the homes of computer owners...!!!
Are the inventors of science more important and more powerful than God?
God forbid.
My dear,
if it is the inventions of science that you are fascinated by and amazed by,
rather science itself has inventors...!!!
What about the universe that contains so many wonders and greatness?
Do you deny that he has a great Creator???!!!
I do not wish you to go for x-rays in a dangerous part of the brain...
To see how many wonders exist in your body and in every small spot of it
and the regularity and harmony of your body’s systems in a wonderful symmetry...
At this moment,
you will love the tenderness of God who created all this for you,
and you will believe how great He is.
Allow me to ask a simple passing question???
Are you wiser and more knowledgeable than all
those who worshiped God and even suffered and sacrificed their lives
for the sake of faith and testimony to the greatness of God???
And did they waste their lives in vain...!!!
Of course not,
and God did not ask them to do this. Rather,
they were the ones who asked God to show them his way and enlighten their hearts...
They knew His great love when they went to Him with all their hearts and trusted Him.
That is why they followed Him with all their hearts and all material things
became easy for them...
Rather, everything that exists in existence alone was the goal of their faith,
and not His gifts of life’s adornments, money and children.
And of course you know that everything in existence declares the existence of God,
the Great Creator of this universe, and you do not need me to remind you...
Just as God exists by Himself and does not accept nothingness,
He is the owner and ruler of all, while...
Adam... is God’s first creature and a follower of Him...
He and all his children are therefore born and die on the date set by God,
so why do they not follow God with all their hearts so that they can have life???
Whoever believes in God,
his religion is love, and whoever adopts love as an increase in the path, loves everyone.
You know the first condition of humanity is that you do not disbelieve in the entire universe, meaning that you love everyone
Without racism or intolerance to religion, color or people!!!
What do you think of yourself as you run away from God and ask me to shed the shabby garment of humanity and in the end you cry over Gaza!!!
Oh my God,
what a contradiction this is. Why are your feelings distracted and your faith not based on specific convictions...!!!
If you have chosen atheism in order not to overburden your mind and be satisfied with what you see of what is tangible and to avoid overburdening your mind with the unseen...
Do not seek wisdom and do not hurt your conscience by condemning your deeds on earth...!!!
So how can you hold this and that accountable and say this without conscience and that must be compensated...!!!
Did you know dear!!! Even the science that atheists rant about investigates the unseen...!!!
Did you see the electron, the wireless wave, and the ether... No, you did not see them, but rather you only saw their effects. Aren’t these unseen, imperceptible things???
You who only believe in the tangible, how can you believe in science and physics!!!
Or do you run away from believing in God so that you are not held accountable for the consequences of sins and anger at God for not achieving your goals only!!!
Are God and your sins the only unseen, unseen thing in your opinion, so you do not believe in God...???
But let's think about what is your fate after death???
I hope you answer yourself with this conscience that you stripped others of!!!
What is your fate after death... Please don’t make me regret talking to you...
By telling me that you do not believe that death exists or that you will be non-existent when it comes!!!
Have you not heard or seen cases of natural death when the body's systems suddenly stop without static or dynamic factors...???
So how is it that dynamic life is what moves your body’s systems
and who created all these systems???
And do not tell me that you believe that you died before when you were nothingness
and that you will return to this nothingness again...!!! God did not create you to become nothingness.
Nor to live today and enjoy your pleasures and die tomorrow
and find nothing...!!!
And don't tell me that you are waiting for the reincarnation of souls
I fear for you that your soul will go to a mouse and a cat will eat you
and we will lose you.
It's no use laughing, believe me.
Dear, I know that when you declare your embrace of atheism
You are desperately searching for God...
But unfortunately I cannot talk to you about God
And if I make you believe in Him, how can I tell you about my God...
What you do not see or feel in your life
Even though you feel that he wronged you, that's why you left him...!!!
Isn't this a new contradiction in your life???
So you should study physics and everything that science has come up with...
You will find yourself glorifying God
Because the more you study, the more you find God...
And whenever the secrets of the universe that frighten you are revealed to you...
And you will know... how negligent you were
And how many years of your life you lost...!!!
But I have great news for you...
Don't worry, there is always hope for you with God...
In your pursuit of God, He is with you
... Rather, he carries you... He comes to you...
He covers you with all his tenderness and mercy...
And He gives you everything you ask...according to His will...
But you just have to accept God's intervention in your life and accept all His gifts without complaining...!!!
God is full of love and mercy...
Do not be afraid, God is always present and forgives all your sins.
I wish you a new year full of love.
Be with love and goodness
Cleopatra, lover of the nation
Scheherazade poetry, stories and novels
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