Human created to reject injustice,
God created us free and equal...
in rights and duties, and differentiate us with reason and wisdom,
About all creatures.
So you find the child, as soon as he is born,
screaming the cry of life
He declares his existence and his right
He says with ease:
Here I am, I have an entity and rights
You must respect me, love me, and provide me with all the means of life.
It is supported by all customs, customs and traditions, which have given us the right to scream
And we say: Aaah
Then international conventions came and regulated the rules for expressing opinions
and gave all people the right to express themselves...
Rejecting injustice, oppression, enslavement, discrimination, sectarianism,
and systematic killing.
Different political systems, ancient and modern,
came to emphasize different human rights.
But there is no difference between what was written in the charters
and the oppression practiced on the ground!!!
Corruption has no covenants, no honor,
and no covenants. It uses all people and things...
He uses dishonest means to achieve his goals,
and most importantly of all, he has no religion.
So why do we wear the dress of religion?!!!
I don't know if this is ignorance on our part or indoctrination on their part!!!...
In 1981, there were the “Zawya al-Hamra and Assiut massacres,
” in which Egyptian citizens were killed and wounded.
In 1990, there were the “Manfalut and Abu Matamir massacres,
” in which Egyptian citizens were killed and wounded.
In 1991, there were the “bloody events in Imbaba,
” in which Egyptian citizens were killed and wounded.
In 1992, there were the “Assiut and Tama massacres,
” in which Egyptian citizens were killed and injured.
In 1994, there was a massacre of the monks of the Muharraq Monastery, in which Egyptian citizens were killed and wounded.
In 1996, there were bloody events in Kafr Demiana,
in which Egyptian citizens were killed and wounded.
In 1997, the Luxor massacres killed 85 tourist guests who loved Egypt, and corruption and terrorism drank their blood.
There were massacres in the villages of Abu Qurqas, Bahgura, and
Ezbet Daoud, in which Egyptian citizens were killed and wounded.
In 1999, there were events at St. George's Church in Heliopolis,
in which Egyptian citizens were killed and wounded.
In the year 2000, there was a bloody massacre in Al-Kashah,
in which Egyptian citizens were killed and wounded.
In the year 2004, there were bombings at the Hilton Sinai Hotel,
in which 34 were killed and 105 were injured,
and human blood mixed and flowed at the hands of terrorism.
In 2005, the events of Khan al-Khalili and Tahrir took place over two days in which:
Three foreigners loved Egypt and 18 people were injured, including ten Egyptians.
In the same year, there were a series of attacks in Sharm El-Sheikh,
killing 88 people, most of them poor Egyptians
who abandoned their villages to work and earn a living.
Their blood mixed with people of all nationalities.
In the year 2006, the Dahab bombings killed 23 people
and injured 62 others, and Egyptian blood mixed with other races.
In 2007, there were events in Deir Mawas,
in which Egyptian citizens were killed and wounded.
In 2008, there were events in Deir Abu Fana,
in which Egyptian citizens were killed and wounded.
In the year 2009, there were events in Khan Al-Khalili
and Kudia Al-Nasara, in which foreigners and Egyptian citizens
were killed and wounded.
In 2010, the bloody events of Nag Hammadi
and the Omraniya Church took place, in which Egyptian citizens were killed
and wounded.
In the year 2011, there were massacres and events at the Church of Saints,
St. George, the Monastery of Anba Bishoy,
Bishop Makarios of Fayoum, Mokattam, demolished the Sol Church.
A citizen's ear was cut off in Minya,
a police officer killed two citizens on the Upper Egypt train,
The killing of a priest in Assiut, the burning of the Church of the Virgin in Imbaba,
and the attack on the Church of Marmina in Imbaba and the Church of Edfu.
The bloody events of Maspero.
All of these painful incidents killed and injured Egyptian citizens.
So let us answer honestly to the souls of all Egyptian martyrs,
their families, and every Egyptian living on or outside Egypt when they ask???
With what malicious pretext did they kill love and dreams
and deprive us of the right to life!!! ??? ...
We should not place the responsibilities of all these crimes
on external elements who devise schemes for the homeland
and do not wish for its progress!!!
We do not throw it at mentally ill people,
nor at outlaw elements!!!
We do not live in illusions and deceptive lies,
so we say: an exchange of fire!!!
Rather, we answer with all honesty if all this violence
and terrorism reside in Egypt
What is the benefit of continuing the state of emergency,
betraying and suffocating honorable citizens and restricting their lives?
Wouldn’t it be better for everyone to treat the Egyptian citizen
as a human being with all rights and duties?
So that every citizen feels that Egypt is a country that he loves and cares for,
so he participates in protecting it and becomes his eye and conscience,
participating in its renaissance and building in it.
So today I offer my condolences to Egypt for the martyrs of love.
I also ask everyone to start a new revolution whose slogan is Egypt for all Egyptians.
it is filled with love and led by hope for a more wonderful future without
slogans and false kisses!!!
Rather, with a pure heart and straight thought,
let us build today, tomorrow,
and the future with all freedom, creativity, and innovation.
My message to all those who want Egypt to remain wearing
the abhorrent garment of sectarianism:
We know very well that what is happening now is not only aimed at humiliating Christians,
but rather...
Humiliate and oppress every Egyptian, so that corruption continues.
Therefore, at this time, we need to unite as one people,
and confront with all courage the idols of hatred, hatred, ignorance, and stupidity.
And we strive to draw a smile through which we try to improve the ugly face of life.
I will not conclude my article before documenting
the martyrs of the Maspero massacre, the martyrs of Egypt, who numbered about 39 dead,
not including the wounded.
I got some names
Those who were not found were in pieces, their bodies crushed under armored vehicles
God knows them all and is able to have mercy on them and console us all.
Cleopatra, lover of the nation
Cleopatra is a lover of the homeland.
Shahrazad of poetry, novels and stories
Cleopatra, beloved of the nation
The orange silver moon
Goddess of the four letters
Goddess of the alphabet and insight
Goddess of the twenty-fifth hour
لا يوجد تعليقات.