I have never welcomed the quota system because I look at it as the same...
A type of discrimination against women and not a system to treat women only
I look at him as a feminine woman from the “Ta’ of Femininity and Noun of Women” society...
It is an announcement of our failure in the ability to enter the political arena
The secretariat assumes the positions that need us to fill them in the political movement.
So I went through the experience with a great sense of responsibility and through my civic work
Parliamentary representation, from my point of view, is not a means of profiting at the expense of the people
Rather, there is continuous effort and giving for the sake of the people’s comfort, so I chose this field
Giving back to civil society has been my passion since my early childhood with my family
“The Arab Creativity Development Foundation was established in 2001.”
Because I believe that social work will never be in the dictionaries of social justice...
A means of impunity and assault on the poor of society and depriving them of their natural rights in it...!!!
It is also not the game of a man capable of running and winning elections, regardless of whether his means for doing so are legitimate or not...!!!
But because reality imposes itself on us, the quota came after the failure of the Arab constitutions
In establishing the principle of equality and equal rights among all citizens
In social and economic rights and political practice
Women did not obtain political representation through which
they could reflect their actual weight in the population census
It is not sufficiently represented in senior positions and
its parliamentary presence is very low
According to the reality of the current parliamentary assemblies, the percentage of women’s representation in Parliament is very weak...!!!
Therefore, there is no longer any alternative for society except our forced imposition on the parliamentary society!!! ...
I mean, there is no help!!! But something very strange...
How do I think about women obtaining their political rights when they have not yet obtained their human rights?
She still suffers from that ugly, unfair and very unjust view of her in some societies
They view her as shameful, an arouser of desires, a perpetrator of sins and afflictions, and a destroyer of safe homes.
They demand that her mouth be gagged after they completely succeeded in burying her inside her black prison
They all became similar. All you saw was a black tent with no clear features
She sits next to you or works with you and has a strong smell of sweat, so you can clearly distinguish the streams of her sweat
But you cannot know the secret of the strange look she gives you from behind her walls...???
In fact, I am at a loss to explain that look!!!
Do the feelings that emerge from her eyes express reproach for a society that has insulted women?
He imposed himself as a guardian of her honor. Or is it feelings of sadness and pain from a society that made itself dominant over her and confiscated all of her freedom...???
I often feel that they want to hide her eyes so that her careful, conscious looks do not reveal the lies of their intentions and the corruption of their consciences.
And their double standards, their greed for it, and their pleasure in harming it by all means.
Forgetting or being ignorant that comprehensive development cannot be achieved in a society without the positive participation of women in it
Simply because, as we all remembered in our childhood, she is half of society and the nanny of generations
Which you simply see in all places, age groups, and various academic degrees
And social environments...
So simply how will you get rid of the woman when she is around you and in front of you and enlighten your society?
She is your daughter, your wife, your mother, your grandmother, and your aunt
Your girlfriend, your boss, your classmate, your teacher, and your doctor
And the poor milk seller who supports five children alone after being abandoned by a man like you
He escaped from his marital responsibilities to begin a new adventure with the beautiful daughter of the janitor.
Oh my God ...
We should not abandon women's tragedies and return to the quota, as the talk is about women's freedom and rights
A conversation that raises a lot of concerns in me.
Regarding the quota, we say: the quota system, simply and in two words...
It is allocating a certain share of parliamentary seats to women, and this allocation is a phased measure
To confront the marginalization of women in all laws and regulations, in decision-making positions, and in civil society organizations...
This procedure is limited in time so as not to be exposed to legal unconstitutionality
Because the purpose of the quota is to allocate positions for women until women are able to
Proving themselves, their abilities, and their access to decision-making positions.
But of course there are factors that hinder women from proving themselves
It limits its competitiveness and political participation... including...!!!
1 - The general political climate in society and the failure to give the vast majority of males a real opportunity
To practice political life due to the lack of effective parties and fair elections.
2- Customs and traditions that reject women’s work in the political field.
3- The inferiority view of women, which contributed to the exclusion of women’s issues in recent years
The percentage of Arab women’s representation in the legislative authority represents the lowest percentage in the world.
“So to revitalize this weak representation, a number of countries have adopted the quota system, as stipulated in the constitution in some countries
To allocate a quota of parliamentary seats to women. In other countries, political parties agree to allocate quotas for women
Or setting targets for the percentage of women and female candidates for election.”
4- The lack of economic or educational empowerment of women and the deterioration of their health condition.
5- The widespread violence against women and the negative image of them in textbooks and the media.
We talked briefly about the obstacles, but how do we prepare a plan...???
To empower women to prepare women capable of political contributions and excellence...???
Of course, the usual recipe will jump to occupy minds and lines...!!!
* Empowering women economically, socially and politically and activating their role in political participation.
* Expanding women’s participation in public life.
* Eliminate all forms of discrimination against women.
* Adopting a new media policy to change the culture that negatively affects women’s conditions.
* Working to develop society and instill concepts of equality between men and women.
Excellent theoretical talk...!!!
We memorized it and repeated it many times, but it did not bear fruit
So we must wait before preparing plans and we must think first...??? !!!
How will we change human morals...??? !!! We will teach them honesty and love
Appreciating others and cooperating with them??? !!!
How will we explain to them that women are neither naked nor a tool for entertainment, arousal of instincts, profit, and trading through porn video channels??? !!!
There is only one way to bring a people back to the straight line and it must be...!!!
By returning the error seed so you should...
1- We raise children with an innocent outlook and pure thoughts in joint schools that bring together children of both genders so that the child can learn
This colleague of mine is a sister of mine. I fear for her and I wish her well. We compete in academic achievement, yes, but I do not seek to eliminate or suppress her superiority.
2- We do not leave the textbooks in the hands of the owners of the garage and the infants of the girls, and writing the book for five tariffs in a quarter of an hour during the day, no, no...
Rather, we must choose the best intellectuals and specialists in the field to prepare a successful textbook
It develops the mind, culture and morals of today's generation and prepares them to lead society with complete purity
A belief in human rights, an emphasis on women’s equality, and the activation of citizenship and democracy.
3- We save young people lost in delusions of failure and addiction from unemployment and committing crimes
We use the money stolen from...
* Paving the same road hundreds of times...
* Changing the decor of the offices of directors and ministers and their cars dozens of times...
* And the losses of national newspapers that no one reads and government media outlets that no one watches or believes...
* And smuggled funds from the liquidation of successful investments and the sale of assets owned by the people through suspicious deals that deprive generations of a secure life!!!
We use all that money...
* To create real job opportunities that support families...
It helps save millions of young men and women from loss and deviance
In order to reduce the phenomenon of street children...
Dropping out of education...
Deteriorating health services...
Increasing crime rates...
And the arrival of a group of greedy merchants to parliamentary seats and profiting from the supply of carcinogenic goods, drugs and weapons to eliminate our people...!!! ??? .
So the empowerment of women and their full participation in political life is not achieved by constitutions...!!!
But it achieves it... * Complete societal cleansing of corruption.
* Complete belief in the necessity of change.
* Repairing what has been corrupted and working together for the interests and needs of the entire community.
* Giving every creative person his opportunity to assume the position he deserves, away from mediation and opportunism
And wipe shoes.
And when society is cleansed of all evils at this moment only...
Society will realize that it needs the presence of women as an active partner in life
It enables decision-making centers to express the needs of its society as a whole
Children, husband, father, mother, brothers...
Because she is the head of the family who knows what her small and large household needs.
Then the woman will know that it is her destiny to fly far with her dreams and the dreams of her society
And it came true
Everything she wishes for them and her in life.
So I chose to be a representative for women and spend my life preventing trafficking in them and in every human being
It is my destiny to soar victorious over all injustice, theft and plagiarism
Cleopatra is a lover of the homeland.
Shahraz of poetry, novels and stories
The nation's darling
The orange Silver moon
Goddess of the four letters
Goddess of the alphabet and insight
Goddess of the twenty-fifth hour
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