تحرير الشام
عا فلسطين (أغنية)
القلب في الخيام
يا أهل غزة ..
عباس عاشق حساس
فصيح("وطني شُعَيل")
طيور الظلام
حق Leftist political thinker Prof. Mariam AlSayegh: Iran, the civilization of agricultural &pastoral villages, is the cause of the Palestinian-Lebanese catastrophe & hostility to the Arab Spring
مولد Women's Representative Prof. Mariam AlSayegh: Celebrating Our Lady of Women between the deliberate impoverishment & humiliation of peoples.& the practices of ignorance, discrimination &oppression of women & minorities
العنقاء Professor Mariam AlSayegh The goddess of poetry and magic The phoenix of Iraq The time of hiding
حكايا Novelist, poet, Prof. Mariam Al-Sayegh, media expert, etiquette professor, rights activist & women's representative: Cookie Tales: Stifled Voices + Repressed Consciences = Democracy
حق Human Rights Activist to Prevent Human Trafficking Women's Representative Professor Mariam Al-Sayegh: The Status Quo Law and Restrictions on Dreams of Exercising Political Freedoms
الصايغ Human Rights Activist to Prevent Human Trafficking Prof. Mariam AlSayegh : Human trafficking is the most popular commodity in the world of business
مولد Representative of women’s rights activist, Prof Mariam Al Sayegh the goddess of mythology, the goddess of poetry, the goddess of magic, : Our Lady's Celebration