The goddess of the alphabet and the arts of magic...the writer, novelist, & poet,
Prof. Mariam Al-Sayegh.. "reveals the truth about the thief Mona Nawal's daughter
&publishes from the book "The
Arts of Magic with the Moon Twins"...the twins, Mai Ziadeh & I
The article that was published on the Thieves Dialogue website..
Then it was deleted.. and stolen..
And it was republished distorted under the name "The Thief Mona Nawal's Daughter
Who Will Not Get Her Stolen Dream"
Dear Friends: .. "My Dear, .. My Dear"..
"Violet Energies",.. From "The Worlds of My Creativity and My Velvety Life, Ever Sweet in the Embrace of My Beloved"
,.. Loaded..
With "After Gratitude and Thanks to My Millions of Fans" ..
And Forgive Me for Publishing on the Poetry Website, About the Thefts of the Thieves of Thought..!
But,.. in the end
"Plagiarism",.. from.. "my creativity.. has affected hundreds of prose, poetry,
and stories" ..
And thanks to the "Poetry Site" .. for allowing it to be .. "a window for me to
respond to the public ..
And to my daughter Layan who publishes and supervises the window here ..
"After my mouth was gagged", and "my windows were violated" ..
and "theft" .. "my creativity, my rights" !!..
I sent this article, "to the plagiarism site from my creativity repeatedly" ..
And after .. "publishing the theft, from the waterfall of my eternal creativity"
which will never dry up" ...
My dear thieves ..
More than .. "five hundred articles were published for me in the Thieves Dialogue" ..
from 2007 until 2023
Over the years, there are only 124 left of them on the sub-site in my name
and several other articles on the sub-sites" !!
The question? "Which poses itself, in the souls of millions of readers" !!..
Where did the.. "arts of magic, rhetoric, beautiful feelings, and speech" disappear to??!
The precious pearls, which.. "sown in the history and souls.. of humanity, and beings"..!!
How? Their corrupt souls tempted them to lose their dignity? And steal my creativity!
Where is the conscience of those in charge of the dialogue site,.. when ..
"My articles were deleted, and they were.. "the most read and liked"
.. "alone"!
Hahaha and where is their conscience?, and under the umbrella of thought they hide!!
By what.. "a name for moral decadence"?
"My creativity is published under the names.. of beings incapable of thinking, writing, or influencing"!.. "Of the failed quasi-humans whose psyches..
I analyzed a lot as an example of unforgivable moments of weakness..
And - oh wonder - "the failed thief stole an article from me" !!
How can a human mind imagine? "No matter how low it is",
that a "rational, normal, honorable" human being would accept to attribute to himself "creativity that has not been bled by the arteries of his heart"!!
"The origin of writing", is the expression of "the self, feelings, thoughts,
uniqueness, distinction, with our own life experiences",
and all other slogans fall away!! How? .. "A human mind can imagine" .. "These three-dimensional crimes" ..
"Deletion, theft, republishing" .. "With names incapable of writing and influence" ..
"A handful of scum of humanity carried out their crimes" !! ..
And - of course they did not achieve anything and will not achieve - ..
"I published the remaining comments for you "from the thieves' site ..
"Distributing the spoils of my saved articles' wealth" .. "With hearts"
.. "Like holy books" .. "Like tablets of the Sharia"
In "the hearts of those who love me and my creativity" ..
And "I feel proud and achieve victories" "Alone"
"Like the goddess of love" .. And "The secrets and mysteries of the alphabet" .. "And the goddess of creativity" .. "In the face of a group of thieves"
And "Ready with the books from which the articles were stolen" ..
And "Property rights" .. "And copyright" and "Deposit"
And "International numbering"
And I will .. "Publish successively all the articles stolen from "My creativity"
"And "Everyone who dared to deviate from their souls will be held accountable"..
"Deletion" ..and "theft".. and" distributing the spoils of my articles".."..
to helpless pseudo-humans".
"Among them is the thief Fatmh Naoot".."And the thief Mona will not get her stolen dream from my creativity".
"And the works attributed to Nawal El Saadawi after her death" and others..
"And she is the one who bled my arteries and takes care of it".!!
Our appointment today, .. from "The Book of Magic Arts with the Moon Twins"
.. The twins Mai Ziadeh and I ..
And it is "an article deleted from my sub-site in the Dialogue of Thieves",
And published .. "in the name of the thief Mona, daughter of Nawal, who will not achieve her stolen dream" !!
I hope you enjoy with an article from this full chapter ..
Which I dedicated, "to exploring the depths of Mai Ziadeh's soul"
and "her thoughts and her love" ..
"Various topics, .. and secrets revealed for the first time about them" ..
Including "Mai Ziadeh, the lover who lives in me"
"MaMai Ziadeh, who confused them so they accused her of madness"
"Mary Elias Ziadeh, the lover, my Palestinian-Lebanese companion from journalism to travel"
"Mai Ziadeh, Gibran, .. a love that will not be repeated"
And I "dedicated the entire chapter, .. to describing Mai Ziadeh, the lover, .. and her literary and cultural role
And the secrets of their immortality"
In the beginning: it was Souls,.. meet .. "The card of love, insight, and creativity" ..
"The falcon in which we swim" .. wherever .. "The maestro of the universes plays .. .. The symphony of love within us" ..
And "around us" "So we dance and the visible and hidden beings of existence dance" ..
It is "energy .. We sense it because we are noble souls so it resides in us ..
"Energies of love, enlightenment, awakening, joy, patience, hope, giving,
And inner peace .. Through the worlds of the good" ..
So, we meet even if distances and times separate us .. In our unique place ..
"There at the top of the world, humans and all beings"
.. So through my expressive space in the chapter dedicated to "My beloved .. Mai" ..
I will express my longing for
"Mary" .. My soul mate, and the sister I wished for, but! My mother did not give birth to her..
But she is similar to me in spirit..
To the point of.. "pain, sorrow, grief, entanglement, and conflict"
.. between.. "traits, ideas, and mistakes"!
Yes, she is my "sister", and even if the families differed.. she is..
"she carried my name,.. she is..
"Mary, and Mary is me".. so she was the twin.. that
I wished for but my mother did not give birth to..
Rather, she is.. "my intimate literary friend",.. "whom I chose with my full will"..
"And I have no female literary friends.. me"!!
We both took, "another name".. she.. "chose Mai" and "chose Maro.. me"!!
And I used to.. "meet with a storm of astonishment" ..
when they ask me how Mary is your look-alike??!
So, I answer with full confidence, yes, my look-alike!
But many have accused me.. of being "the silvery orange moon of my nation"
"and the lady of the women of the worlds".., who will not allow me "my arrogance and love
I love no one but myself!, so, to say that there is a look-alike for me..!
Or even a woman who resembles me!
Strange! Unbelievable among my statements! Rather,
it is considered an impossible matter..!
But.. As usual, I disappoint them.. and surprise them, and here.. I confessed..
That there is a woman who resembles me, and is suitable to be "my look-alike"!??
And because I resemble "my wise grandmother Malika" and "not my mother nor some resemblance to my grandmother Marola" ..
So with the comparison of the age difference!! .. And
"the Malika lived between Palestine and Lebanon.. after their exile from Romania" .. So..
I have always wondered.. Did my "grandmother" give birth to her..
From a man she loved, without our knowledge,
and kept the matter a secret that she took with her to her eternal eternity??!
Was she my friend, at some point?? "Through my wanderings in one of my travels..
Through my lives and ages" ..
Or "When I was a sperm wandering in the orbits of God, or through the Garden of Eden" ..
"And I have lost my memory",
And he confirmed the similarity between us .. !!
That she has "a rare picture with her mother, as a child wearing a white bow in her hair" ..!
And I have a similar picture, ! To the extent that
my charming grandmother Marola was deceived .. by it for a moment, .. hahaha
While "looking at the photo albums"
I found her asking me in astonishment:
"Who is this woman sitting next to you, "Maro"
After all this! ..
My friends are amazed at my love for her and ask ..??!
Is "May: a woman to this extent, unique,!!
To the point that she dares and forces me to publicly acknowledge it ..!,
Or is it? "Mirrors are liars" - in my poem False Mirrors I prove that they are indeed liars -!
And they remain in their amazement ..!
How? That the goddess of temptation Maru resembles Mei ..!!
And how? Is she the one who is completely different from me ..!
In physical characteristics, color and features ...!
My lookalike!, and I insist that she resembles me??
In truth I say: .. "The more I get to know her, .. my certainty increases,
That she is a woman created by God unique in my characteristics .. Rather, made from the same fabric of my femininity ..!
A writer who rides the same train of thought, .. which carries me to what my heart desires, ..
which may cause our tragedy, ..
Indeed .. and a poet .. who is a professional in the same statement ..
Swimming in the seas of poetry that drown me, ..
And we do not seek help .. "with the lifebuoy of familiar words"
I am proud of a strong feeling, that does not leave me, ..
That I am completing her endless journey,
In writing, uniqueness, and not belonging to planet Earth ..
For we are, "two birds chirping, flying together across the heavens"..
And love: .. In our lives a complete novel ... !
Among its chapters are "millions of lovers, while our love has not crossed ..
Any of the doors" !!
We enjoyed the feelings of the party that is madly infatuated with us .. !!
While we wished one day to exchange feelings and love with them!
Our hearts are stubborn, they were always precise in their choices, it is difficult for us to please them,
But alas! .. How? .. "For the rebellious, raging, soaring soul to know tranquility" .. In "love"!
And - oh the pain - when we found two men thinking in our own language, ..
And writing poetry, drawing pictures, and dancing with us to the sweetest melodies,
I was amazed just like me .. How? .. "That the two hearts did not beat for two men thousands of miles away from us" ..
But they are the only ones who were able to win our hearts ..!
And that.. "awaken our sleeping emotions", and "understand the message of love between literature and art"...
"My beloved: .. you all know him and adore him, .. and if .. "May met him, she would compete with us in his love" ..
And her beloved was "Gibran Khalil Gibran" January 6, 1883 - April 10, 1931,
The beloved whom she did not meet .. "except through letters traveling across the seas and countries that separate them",
From 1911 until his departure
Why .. was "love unattainable ..? !
Except with messages radiating with emotional nobility and mental sublimity.
This is another similarity between us, as I have confirmed from my experiences, ..
that the true, noble, refined knight, who is excessively generous ..
and not tainted by the desires of the body, and the lover of the soul, is not available .. !!
In the catalog of men classified by time, but we have to move through lives to another time
We might find him! ..
Until I came "my beloved at a pivotal moment in the history of the universe ..
and humanity and I possess the heart and the entity"
I shared with my soul mate Mai .. in the love of culture ..
She had her cultural salon in her house every Tuesday ..
And I hold in my house the cultural forum "for the Creativity Development Foundation"
every Tuesday ..
"to issue the Creativity Magazine every Sunday" ..
We also shared in the love of the camera .. for us
And choosing the same places when photographing
As we "shared the same rare picture".
" Mai Ziadeh and I ", "Two rare talents of raw material", from
"The most expensive Precious stones, free of impurities..
- "The analogy is based on my work and my family's work in gold and precious stones!!
And based on the fact that I own "Cleopatra Brand" .. "School of reviving the heritage of the Armenians and the Pharaohs"
..for jewelry, ornaments, heritage furniture, clothes, and carpets -
"Impurities of pretense", "imitation", and theft" .. "Educated in emotions", "High-minded",
"Multi-capable", "Rebellious in manifestations." ..
"We write poetry", "newspaper articles", "literary thoughts", ..
"We write lectures and deliver them with great skill", ..
"Two female journalists whose articles overflow with a new style", ..
"It reflects the depth of our cultures and our thoughts", ..
"Two eloquent orators who speak with the passion of our hearts", ..
"We are fluent in languages, and we do not only translate, but we add elegance to the translated text, on top of its elegance", - I write about elegance ".. because I was a fashion model" "I care about elegance" ..
"Then I worked in clothing at the Heritage Revival School" -
"We manage the dialogue with tact", - because I am a professor of media etiquette -
"We are both travelers who roam the corners of the world", ..
"Strugglers and defenders of women's freedoms", "With deep awareness, and eyes that are always vigilant"...
"To support humanity and overcome discrimination, oppression and the absence of justice"..! .
I share her spirit here through my lives and attend the salon of "May the Lucky" ..
, "and meet with the most important writers, poets and thinkers of her time, such as Taha Hussein, Ahmed Shawqi, Mustafa Sadiq Al-Rafei, Khalil Mutran, Abbas Al-Akkad
and Mustafa Abdel Razek, Sheikh of Al-Azhar ...
May and I are twins in nature and in the number of our lovers
No one escaped our unique attraction, as we combined our freedom and openness, ..
With uprightness of character, elegance and The art of simplicity, the elegance and nobility of princesses..
In one of her books "Equality" 1923, May explained that..
"The support of men is important for women." But.. "No woman will be liberated except by the woman herself." "And I wrote" in the same context in
"My Poems and Struggle for Women's Liberation" .. about "Women's Liberation" ..
And "We agreed .. that "Women's ambition should not be to be equal to men"!,
And "I explained that in my writings" that then "she will deprive herself" of "her own, unique, brilliant, velvety world" .. which "she will create" .. "with her privacy, inspiration, dreams, and experiences".
Then "I wrote" .. about "human freedom" and explained that ..
"The matter is no longer limited to"
.. "Women's veil, imposed by intellectual Wahhabism" ..
"And the kingdom of petrodollars, under the supervision of the police in order to
spread virtue and prevent vice" ..
which .. "tests women, and confines their lives to a symbol of honor"! "..
And "restricts them behind the walls of virtue, by burying them in the cave of black death in a cloth bag"!! ..
"To block" the light of .. the truth" .. the intellectual
and practical progress of women ..
And "complete" .. "our never-ending journey" ..
by violating human rights in my struggles"..
"in the Creativity Development Foundation"..
"from 2001 until today".. "to develop every human being,
protect the disabled, and the angels of autism".. "It is no longer in our time"..
"Only women's liberation"!.. but "every human being's liberation".. especially..
"After my work since 2001" in "attempts to prevent human trafficking", "trafficking in human life", "preventing the exploitation of the poverty of poor workers", "torturing them, and even suppressing them in the petrodollar kingdoms"..!
"I have become a witness to the "injustice of every human being"!.. "Injustice, torture, and trading in everything valuable" "It has reached -"Oh my God"-
every human being in all the worlds!!
And "May and I agreed" on.. "Losing loved ones" and "Leaving Lebanon
and going to Egypt"! ..
Where .. "May" lost many compassionate souls ".. "whom we loved", in ..
"successive recent times" ..
But "her tragedy" .. "was the most severe" .. she lost "her father, then Gibran, then her mother"..
. And "the loss struck her", "with asceticism in life", and "aversion to continuing her activity" ...
And "her condition worsened" .. "when .. "some of her relatives accused her of mental illness"
, so she went to the Asfouriyya Hospital for Mental Illness, in Beirut".
As "I was afflicted with a brain tumor" when "the magician cast his satanic spell on me"
"His ugly veil took over my body" ...
"The demon of cancer took over my body"
"I was afflicted" with "a lack of interest in life" and "aversion to continuing my activity" ...
"My condition worsened" and even... "It got to the point
that some spread rumors about my death" ...
"Some made fun of me" ... "Some disbelieved in me"... "Some demanded my trial" and "the confiscation of my blasphemous production"...
"Many were angry after discovering that God had raised me from the dead"...
"The magician's veil was broken, and the onlookers witnessed the triumph of God's power over my weakness"!
"They described me as crazy because of brain cancer"...!
In fact.. "Some permitted the shedding of my blood"... because I..
"disbelieved in their God and associated with Him,
and considered myself the goddess of vital energy", "the goddess of alchemy",
"the goddess of the secrets of the alphabet", and "the goddess of the twenty-fifth hour"!
But.. "We returned to Egypt" and "gave lectures that showed a mind in full strength and vitality"
. But.. "She got tired of life and people and practiced asceticism in life"...
and "her heart, full of enthusiasm, stopped" even though she was still breathing!!
Here .. "was the first difference" .. and the greatest difference between us ..
For "I took from my pain" .. "an umbrella to serve and care for every human being" ..
And "I created a wonderful service" .. "with the Creativity Development Foundation" ..
"In the company of my family", and "my extended family", which I created ..
"And we sought to struggle and try to alleviate the suffering of every human being"
And there is another difference ..
, which is .. "In the last days of her life", she was .. "accused of obsession and madness", ..
"May" .. was disturbed by this accusation", .. and "proved its invalidity" ..
While I .. am proud in the face of the world ..!! "The madness I was born with", ..
"I do not consider it an accusation, but an honor that I demand and practice and desire more and more"
"With every day and in all my interactions and in my troubled relationships with the human race" ..!
And the third difference, that .. "her time, despite its cruelty
and toxic masculinity" authoritarian"
.. There was .. "a little good" in it, .. "A little bit of hair", "A little bit of courage...
.. "
He cast his spell on me" and "I was left between life and death" ..
I did not find around me except a handful of loyalists"
Which made me wonder
So? I wonder.. "After the spring of my life has dried up"!..
"Will" Mai be the luckiest of all than me"!!.
So where do I get it from? "With such three statures, to walk in my funeral"?
But.. "I trust through my wandering between the worlds of giving and love,
that I will not be left alone"!
Did you know why she is my lookalike and were you convinced
why she is the twin of the moon..!!
Because she is "May" my friend, the soulmate..
"The butterfly of Arabic literature", "its blooming rose",..
who.. "wound with her thorns, the skin of our societies full of pimples..
"social, cultural, and masculine" ..
who tried... "for a time to clean and purify.. and treat societal suppurations"
while they.. wanted her to "be silent, and to remain content in the care of a husband" ..
to live in his umbrella to erase her shame!!
Be in fullness of love, struggle, and affection
Cleopatra, lover of the homeland
"Mai Ziadeh, the lover" in one of my lives through my wanderings between
my times and ages.
Be well and in love.
Cleopatra is beloved by the nation.
Shahrazad of poetry, novels and stories
Cleopatra, beloved of the nation
The orange silver moon
Goddess of the four letters
Goddess of the alphabet and insight
Goddess of the twenty-fifth hour
A diamond of Light mountain
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