Billions of people separated by distances and imaginary borders,
arranged in non-blocking, imaginary rows and columns,
They have reshaped the universes...
the hidden and the visible
We are named as elements, inputs into God's matrix...
Some of us have applications, drawings,
to represent rotations and transformations
Molds made by the Almighty,
and each of us has a unique pattern.
Why did they master blind imitation?
Things inside some people are fixed, and other things may arise in some of us
Or the chosen ones may develop certain characteristics,
We take on new forms through action,
joy, love, kindness, and entitlement
We form our own peaceful matrix.
The product of a life of peace is more surprising, exciting and profound than the product of an ordinary life alone, imbued with the infinite meaning of the values of love, mercy,
Realizing inner peace in itself is not a temporary moment!
Although it may start with a defining moment!
Perception is pivotal, extended, defining moments!
Then we realize what life is, through interconnected combinations of...
The infinitesimal details, the coherence, have been built up within us over lifetimes.
Then, our feelings, thoughts, and attitudes differ.
The behavior of a human being who spent his life following wisdom,
ruling the mind, exploring the depths of the universe.
He is completely different from another human being, who lives on the surface of things to show off and practice the claim of excellence.
So we chose to be vibrant trees, providing the world with shade and fruit
We made a good impact, and we gained the love of people.
We thought that we had approached you with good deeds.
When will we gain your satisfaction, O Almighty???
Through extended moments of brilliance;
I fell in love with my heavens, iridescent with joyful colors.
I spent my childhood and adolescence treading the paths to enlightenment
Like Scheherazade the storyteller,
I practice the arts of magic.
As a goddess dancer, I practice creative arts.
Due to the influence of the "anti-imperialist, secular, leftist" family
We practice enlightenment and cosmic rituals with renewed joy,
We engage in our struggles, in intellectual wars of liberation,
We heal people with charitable deeds,
We criticize texts with an analytical mentality, far from fatalism.
"The crowd of the wise is impossible, but the crowd of the ignorant...
All he needs is... sticks and intimidation.”
But we have never been able to listen and obey.
So, I became a natural leader...
Its name is between the civilizations of the Phoenicians and the Pharaohs
It flows from the sources of the Mediterranean, the Red, and the Nile River.
I made my enchanted lake, there, where I hid the dragon.
Grow among the members of the precious essence family,
Our blue, green, and hazel eyes have become cosmic doors
And mirrors appeared, but rather reflected in us your blessings, O our Creator.
With our fresh, green hearts, we became luminous spectra
We shine with orange, blue reflections.
With our moderate joking without ambiguity, we enjoyed the blessings and gifts.
So you reign over our hearts, a purity that rivals the heavens of the Lord.
You fill me with fresh springs of endless, unconditional love
To sip the nectar of giving, dignity, and justice. Freedom.
Whenever I am in trouble about something, I go against my own desires by supporting my righteous person.
Therefore, the common good became a goal and a requirement for me.
Play with awareness and awareness between the hidden worlds,
Through the legends of my grandmother, the charming Marola,
and her grandmother, the charming Mallika,
which never ceased,
I travel through ancient times and the present
I will be a guest in the future, near and far
Accompanying my brother, the elephant warrior Airavata,
on his tours.
Let us follow the holy light emanating from eternity,
We see the glory of the Lord and praise Him in the works of His hands.
Until Black September came in 2001
I am coming, the first Black Tuesday in my joyful world...
on the Black Fourth of September...
Today.. I learned the soul mate and childhood friend,
By contracting Paradise disease!!!
Its color changes from green-orange in spring to purple like autumn
A cancerous brain tumor destroys her attempts at enlightenment!!!???
Tonight...I heard my mother crying her second daughter to the Lord
Non-stop wailing, but with a shaky voice!!!
Her voice choked with tears,
Through a bright ray of air, escaping from the flames burning in her room,
She complained to him that he was running out of time!
I thanked him anyway, in every way!!!
I told him that the heavens, the earth and all his creatures praise him.
Even with the depth of experiences and the emptiness of living!!!
I thanked him with clear reproach... because he took the first Mary,
Four years later, he took out a piece of her heart,
He left her with a penetrating wound, a deep scar that will never heal
Happiness has left her!!!
But he generously provided for her, the spoiled and charming one.
The face of happiness, a lucky charm, as compensation,
So she called her the Lady of the Women of the Worlds.
Then wait until I hug her, until her spring dawns!!
She said in a low voice:
We, the doctors of the earth, suffer when we are unable to heal!!!
How do you feel, O All-powerful One!!!???
“Are you following a heart that has strayed from you
and does not ask for your face to return it to your embrace!!!
Or to take revenge on him by showing your authority over him!!!
I took your first blessing and feared your name!!!
Your name is feared, and your power is great.
However, how wonderful are your ways, O Lord, beyond understanding!!!
You will spread out your hands on the earth and satisfy every living thing,
and we will be satisfied.
Then you come back and recover the deposits.
Are we just fields for your experiments??? !!!
I concluded, I have long lived on earth,
I have had enough of sorrows, so take my soul before it.
After her departure, nothing will be pleasant here.
The tender heart knows its fall.
May our endings be together!!”
With every pink sunrise and moonset,
I became calmer,
I give her bouquets of devotional flowers, and soothe her sorrows
Not interested in wondering about my sin!!
When I had enough, I reminded her of the tragedy:
The Almighty did not have compassion on one hundred and forty thousand people in Hiroshima!!!
Nor forty-seven thousand more in Nagasaki!!!
He let tyrants control, even the lives of His creation!!!
I don't care about millions of poor, hungry, sick, poor people around the world!!!
Thousands of people suffer from radiation poisoning, trauma and psychological illness
He completely turned his face away from them!!!
If I lost one of my lives, would God care!!!
Silence, anticipation, waiting, escape, fainting,
The second Black Tuesday, September 11, 2001
O Lord, two thousand and seventy-nine poor people
They asked for your face, in their last moments here...
Did you hear the groan of their weakness!!!
There, on the way to you... through the circular path they are going!!!
Victims of terrorist attacks without fault, lost years of their lives!!!
By the action of nineteen, kidnapping, tyrannical tyrants!!!
For what sin were they killed??
For what example have they lost the blessing of life!!!
Will you bring them back with glorious images?
And better lives!!!
After you, your sun and moon will shine on the tyrants!!!
They both succeed each other without change or disruption.
Will you care about me???!!!
The first plane destroyed a northern humanitarian matrix,
The second plane destroyed a southern humanitarian matrix!!!
Then the fire broke out, surrounding even your angels in heaven!!!
One hundred and ten floors disappeared, and what remained was smoke.
And every living thing vanished like dust as if it had never existed!!
The third plane shook the western facade of the American defense matrix.
Washington. It showed the fragility of human claims to power!!!
The fourth plane lost its target to Pennsylvania instead
About the Capitol Matrix, due to the poor people’s resistance to tyrants!!!
Oh Lord, where do you hide in times of death???!!!
When you turn your face away from the sigh of the desperate,
Under the fragments and rubble of the fragile human matrix??!!
O Almighty, did you not say, “Do not kill,” so why do they kill??!!
Bombing the two arrays destroyed human lives!!!
Two matrices collapsed, again
Souls fell as if they did not exist or were not created!!!
In painful moments, I swallowed their feelings and felt that I was there.
I wondered if I had not been here, my days of life would have been over!!!
So simple, I gave up on them??
Were they offerings that you breathed with satisfaction??
This is not the Lord,
Which you told me
Marola is charming with our stories related to him!!!
The Lord I experienced, what kills innocents,
He does not accept sacrifices!!!
I ran to my grandmother's arms, hiding from you...
Screaming, is this your God that you told me about??!!!
Do you still insist that he created man?
To enjoy extended moments of love!!
So he formed it from dust, breathed into it,
and it became a living soul and spirit
He spit in it, and it became a body with bones, blood, skin, and vital organs
Burdened with tiny cells.
Oh, your Lord, who promised us,
By protecting the pure in heart from every disease and evil!!!
When He created man, how could He destroy him?
I cried when you wrote your will in gold letters,
As an eternal tattoo on our memory...
Scatter, part of my gray on the face of the sea,
And the last part with a green spot to bear fruit forever.
To unite with my grandmother, Al-Malika, in the Garden of Eden.
But I, like a seed created by the Almighty, grew in Eden.
So, lighten the burdens of life
I became a bud on a lush tree. This is how my life began
So I advised them to donate everything that is living inside me
To illuminate other lives with life,
Openly I lighten the burden of the helpless,
in constant partnership towards perfection
Between awareness and certainty, it has been tattooed on our hearts since forever
You alone exist from eternity, and the origin of existence is its Creator
All-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful, all-powerful
You didn't need our slavery,
Did you create us to need your divinity?
Or let the matter be fair as usual.
So tell us why you created us in the first place, O origin of existence??
So that we fall in humiliation!!!
You created us with understanding and awareness,
so why did they fall into the traps of evil??
Adam sinned as an innocent child without understanding, breaking the commandment.
So when we cut the sour grapes!!!
She taught him what things were, but he never realized that the punishment was death
And even if he was aware, it was not necessarily that he was conscious
Consciousness strives to make the physical world disappear.
To reveal the depths of metaphysics,
This is something that some wise men were unable to do.
Knowledge, a renewed revolution among the aspects of awareness,
Whoever owns it never loses his way
But they are the chosen few who are on the path
And your foolish creation has strayed from the ways of the Lord
Or was it really a miracle from you!!!
But, rest assured, Lord...
I trust that one day I will return as a phoenix, in one of my new lives
The lover of life may burn her ashes within the universe.
But it never fades, or strays from the path you have drawn wisely
between the mazes of your matrix.
Cleopatra, lover of the nation,
from September 2001 until the spring of September 2023
Scheherazade poetry, stories and novels
Here God completed love, joy, grace, healing, gifts,
And forever a phoenix in love,
let us fly and dance our own song, across the universes...
لا يوجد تعليقات.